A steering committee meeting has been held in the meeting room of MSRC in May, 2016. The academic and research activities of the year have been reviewed. In addition, future actions have been decided and put to action. The following is a summary of the main points of the meeting:

  1. Welcoming the members of the committee
  2. Viewing and crediting the minutes of the last meeting
  3. Displaying the results of students’ evaluation of the first semester
  4. Going over the Graduation Project of the Diploma for the academic year 2015/2016
  5. Showing the main objectives and achievements in the Honorarium Ceremony organised by the center in February, 2016 and attended by the minister of petroleum and many others of the industry leaders.
  6. Discussing the progress achieved in the research plan of the M.Sc. program and the updates inserted to the original plan
  7. Mentioning the participation of MSRC researchers in MOC (Mediterranean Offshore Conference) in April, 2016 and the future participation in EGYPS (Egypt Petroleum Show) conference in February, 2017.